Create Custom Tickets – Concert Tickets – Admission Tickets

Custom Event Ticket Printing
Ideas for designing your Event Tickets
• Be sure your event's name, location, and time are easily readable. And definitely, your ticket says Admit One somewhere on it.
• Using Bold Letters will make your event ticket easier to read and make it more appealing to the eye.
• Ad your sponsor's logo on the event tickets. This can bring in extra revenue
• Have your next event mentioned on the back of your ticket. There is never a better time than to promote your next event when you're throwing one.
To help you create your event tickets, we have a free template to help you with your design.
Event tickets are useful and can help generate immediate sales as it becomes something physical to give to someone who has paid to attend your future event.
These event tickets quickly become keepsake souvenirs for your guest.
Event tickets will be numbered sequentially and are perforated to allow your ticket to be easily separated for redemption while keeping your design and message intact.
Event Ticket Options
• 2″x5.5″
• 3.5″×8.5″
• 14pt Gloss Coated Cover with UV
• 14pt Premium Uncoated Cover
• Rounded Corners
• Perforation Only
• Numbering Front Only
• Perforation and Numbering Front
• Perforation and Numbering Back